[員工健康] 31%新世代員工一年射波近12日 ; 5大缺勤原因都同上司有關

Gallup 最新調查顯示了一個令人擔憂的現象——心理健康不佳將導致多4倍的未計劃缺勤,受影響者平均每年缺勤為 12 天,而其他人僅為 2.5 天。其中, 30 歲以下員工有近31%在工作中長期處於心理健康不佳,遠高於全年齡層平均的19%。導致心理健康不佳的原因?直屬上司佔有最大的責任。
深入探究根本原因,Gallup 以長期問卷調查了解超過 100 個工作場所因素,並識別出 15 個與倦怠(burnout)高度相關的因素。毫不意外的是,直屬上司在心理健康上扮演著重要角色。以下是報告總結的 5 個根本原因:
1 不公平對待:
當員工認為自己在工作中的受到不公平時,將使倦怠風險增加 2.3 倍。偏見、偏愛以及不一致的報酬均會導致這種壓力。
2 難以承受的工作量:
不斷的工作負擔使倦怠可能性增加了 2.2 倍。而員工感知(Perceive)的工作負擔相比實際工作時間,對倦怠的影響更為主要。
3 與直屬上司溝通不暢:
4 缺乏管理支持:
直屬上司若只針對同事犯錯將極大提高倦怠可能性。相反,直屬上司若能以同事工作強項出發進行工作任務匹配,並提供鼓勵及伸出援手,可以將倦怠可能性約低 70%
5 時間壓力:
給予充足的時間來完成任務可以降低倦怠風險 70%。不合理的截止日期會產生滾雪球的效應。
缺勤儘管不可避免 ; 但一年四天是健康基準
儘管因季節性疾病而偶爾缺勤是不可避免的,專家建議企業可以將每年 4 天作為一個基準,以檢示員工是否處於健康狀態。此外,企業領導者不應僅將責任歸咎於中層管理。企業應首先採用問卷調查或員工焦點小組,以確定哪些因素適用於您的團隊,然後再制定相應的行動。
31% of Young Employees Miss Nearly 12 Days Annually
Top 5 Absence Causes Tied to Supervisors
Recent Gallup findings reveal a concerning reality -- poor mental health will result in 4 mores more unplanned absences, with those affected averaging almost 12 days of absence annually, while others take merely 2.5 days. Notably, 31% of under-30 workers experience poor mental health at work compared to the 19% average among all age groups. The reason behind poor mental health? Managers take the largest blame.
Managerial factors contribute the most
Venturing into the root causes, Gallup delved into over 100 workplace factors and identified 15 factors with high correlations to burnout. Unsurprisingly, Managerial dynamics play a significant role in this scenario. Here are the top 5 factors demanding attention from business leaders:
1 Unfair Treatment:A perception of unfair treatment at work magnifies burnout risk by 2.3 times. Biases, favouritism, mistreatment by coworkers, and inconsistent compensation or policies contribute to this strain.
2 Unmanageable Workloads:A perpetual burden of excessive tasks raises burnout likelihood by 2.2 times. Unmanageable workloads can lead high-performing employees from optimism to despair. Workload experiences, rather than just hours worked, exert a dominant influence on burnout.
3 Communication Breakdown with Managers:Unclear communication from managers breeds frustration and exhaustion. Role expectations, processes, and impact explanations are vital. Regular discussions, goal alignment, and proactive information sharing between managers and employees prevent burnout.
4 Lack of Managerial Support:Managerial backing acts as a shield against burnout. Supportive managers instill confidence, assist in the preparation, and provide encouragement. Employees feeling supported are about 70% less likely to regularly experience burnout.
5 Time Pressure :Ample time to complete tasks reduces burnout risk by 70%. Unreasonable deadlines create a snowball effect, impacting subsequent tasks. Natural role fits handle time pressure more efficiently while pushing employees into tasks they struggle with fosters inefficiency and stress.
Use 4 Days Per Annum as a benchmark
While occasional absence is inevitable due to seasonal sickness, expert suggests that business can use 4 days as a benchmark to examine if your workforce is at a healthy status. It is also vital that business leaders should not solely put the blame on managers. Businesses should employ surveys or focus groups first to determine which factors are most applicable to your team and tailor actions after.