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[僱主品牌] 您是否願意向朋友推薦您的工作?38%員工:份工差到連仇人都唔介紹

Written by HR Plus Business Intelligence Team | 06 September 2023, 08:01 pm






要了解為何人們討厭自己的工作,首先必須找出導致他們離職的原因。根據2022年的McKinsey 全球離職調查,導致員工離職的主要原因包括缺乏晉升機會(41%)、薪資不足(36%)、冷漠的管理層(34%)、缺乏工作目標感(31%)以及靈活度和福祉不足(26%)。儘管職業晉升和薪資仍然是主要因素,但趨勢明確表明,不合格的領導、缺乏工作目標和工作/生活平衡問題的重要性正在上升,成為員工離職的原因之一。



雖然增加薪水和提供晉升看似能夠提高工作滿意度,但UKG的研究顯示情況可能並非如此。令人大跌眼鏡的是,高薪管理人員(年薪達HKD 780,000以上)對自己的工作感到後悔的比例高達57%,而薪水較低的普通員工(年薪低於HKD 468,000)則為35%。這突顯出,薪資和晉升雖然可能是人們離職的原因之一,但未必是工作不滿的根本原因。









Would Employees Recommend Their Current Employer?


Have you ever felt so dissatisfied with your job that you wouldn't recommend your employer to anyone? Well, it appears that 38% of employees worldwide share this sentiment, as revealed by UKG research. In times of economic hardship and soaring inflation, it's understandable that many employees become frustrated, and companies may struggle to address these concerns. Another longitudinal study by Gallup reinforces these findings, indicating that 18% of employees are actively disengaged and would speak negatively about their current employer. This raises the question: Why do a substantial number of employees harbor such strong discontent for their jobs?


✴️Common Reasons for Employee Departure💼

To comprehend why individuals despise their jobs, it's essential to identify what prompts them to leave. According to the 2022 McKinsey Great Attrition Global Survey, common reasons for employees quitting their jobs include a lack of career advancement opportunities (41%), inadequate salary (36%), uncaring leadership (34%), lack of purpose (31%), and insufficient flexibility and well-being (26%). While it's unsurprising that career advancement and salary continue to rank as the top factors, there's a noticeable trend indicating that the significance of ineffective leadership, a lack of purpose, and work-life balance issues is on the rise as contributing factors to employee departures.


✴️Can money and career advancement truly guarantee job happiness? 🤔

While it might seem like a straightforward solution to increase salaries and offer promotions to boost job satisfaction, UKG research suggests otherwise. Surprisingly, the data shows that higher-paid managerial employees (earning HKD 780k+) are more likely to regret their job choices (57%) compared to their lower-paid officer-grade counterparts (earning <HKD 480k) at 35%. This highlights that while salary and promotion can be factors in why people leave their jobs, they may not be the root causes of job dissatisfaction.


✴️Employees want people leaders and healthy workplace🏢

Employees crave caring leadership and a healthy workplace, and it's not just about the paycheck. They value being part of a supportive community that offers flexibility and prioritizes their well-being. Companies don't need to focus solely on money; fostering these qualities can inspire employee love for their jobs, driving productivity and success for both individuals and the organization. it's the quality of the workplace experience that truly resonates with employees and fuels their passion for what they do.


✴️Transform employees into brand promoters with job happiness 📢

To turn employees into brand advocates, understanding job satisfaction is key. Monetary incentives alone won't ensure job happiness. Companies should prioritize building a supportive community, effective leadership, and a healthy workplace, especially in the challenging time of talent shortage. Addressing these factors empowers employees to be passionate about their work. And great workplace experience sparks employees' passion and prompts them to endorse their employers to others.


Reference : 

UKG Workforce Institute - We Can Fix Work Report, 2022 
McKinsey, Great Attrition Global Survey, 2022 
Gallup, Employee Engagement Index, 2023